At Kent Tyres we specialize in retreading, and our customers can be reassured that our retreading and manufacturing process standards for light truck tyres are of the best quality. Our retreading and manufacturing of tyres follows an intricate process to ensure the efficient use of raw materials and to give our clients utmost satisfaction.
Retread, AKA recap, is a re-manufacturing process for tyres that replace the tread on worn tyres. Retreading is applied to casings of used tyres that have been inspected and repaired. Retreaded tyres can and do perform as well as new tyres and they do so at a substantial savings over the high cost of new tyres.
It should be remembered that every major truck tyre manufacturer, without exceptions, manufactures its tyres for multiple lives, which means they are designed to be retreaded. When an owner operator or a fleet manager doesn't retread his tyres, he is essentially throwing money away.
Retread tyres are proven to be as safe and durable when compared to new tyres, provided that a reputable re-treader like Kent Tyres, has retreaded the casing. Many truck fleets plan their new tyre purchases with the goal of having worn casings retreaded at least two times as a routine part of their tyres' budget.
How much would you save?
The retreaded tyres' life ranges from 50% to 90% of the new tyre. Be that as it may, the cost of retreading is just 30 to 40% of the cost of the new tyre. Truck owners, and Off-The-Road vehicle owners would prefer to retread the tyres instead of buying new ones because utilizing retreaded tyres becomes economical.